Earth Day 2023


Amy Mulvenna

About this lesson

On Earth Day 2023, we celebrate our planet. Use your creativity to make art that shows how much you love the Earth and want to protect it. You could make a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, or even a dance that shows how much you care about our planet!

Earth Day 2023

Amy Mulvenna

On Earth Day 2023, we celebrate our planet. We take time to appreciate the beauty of nature and remember to take care of it so that it can be enjoyed by future generations.We can all learn how to be better caretakers of our planet, just like the artists featured in this week's video - artists like Andy Goldsworthy and Dorothy Cross who have been inspired to create beautiful works of art. Use your creativity to make art that shows how much you love the Earth and want to protect it. You can think about the colours of the sky and the flowers, the animals that live in the sea, or the trees that give us oxygen to breathe. You could make a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, or even a dance that shows how much you care about our planet!

You will need:

  • natural objects e.g. twigs, leaves, fruits, pebbles, feathers
  • drawingmaterials (optional)
  • colouring materials e.g. paint, colouring pencils, oil pastels (optional)
  • paper/cardboard (optional)